Mahi Pono Potatoes to Debut at Hawaii Food & Wine Festival
October 17, 2019 | Maui Now

Mahi Pono, LLC on Maui will pre-harvest about 90 pounds of heirloom potato crops for the upcoming Hawaiʻi Food & Wine Festival, taking place this weekend on Maui. The red and yellow Maui potatoes will be featured in dishes served up by three of the event’s celebrity chefs.
Organizers of the Hawaiʻi Food & Wine Festival say the heart of the event is its strong support for local agriculture.
Hawaii senators fly to Maui to visit one of the state’s largest farm companies
KAHULUI (HawaiiNewsNow) - A group of Hawaii senators flew to the Valley Isle and visited one of the state’s biggest farming companies on Wednesday to get more insight on how to boost locally-produced food.